Thinking of a training camp, wondering exactly how that’s going to help you for the following year. Then relax as we have you covered with all the benefits of attending one. The timing of a camp is also going to ensure that you get into top shape at the start of the season for your events!

So, let’s dig into things…..


A Coach is going to give you pointers as to where your technique can improve, you can ask questions and understand a little more about the data side of things so helping to analyze your workouts better and ensure that the training you are doing is correct and going to benefit you in the long run. Training is a constant changing science so having a coach on hand with the latest info is better than listening to “Dave” that has read an outdated technique on Facebook, so giving you incorrect info!


There will be some tough days for sure as in a camp you are probably going to be increasing your time on the bike by maybe as much as 60% so leading to some tough days in the saddle and pushing you to a few places you may never have been before…Mental toughness will come into play at some stage within the week get ready for that.


Nothing pushes cyclists like other cyclists. Riding with people better than you will lift you up. Likewise for that tough day on the bike there are people around you to help you get to the end of the ride ensuring stories to tell at dinner parties for years to come. Riding together also ensures that the km’s tick by pretty quick. Happy cyclists are always faster cyclists remember that!


For some more than double what they would normally do in a week. With increased base work and altitude, km’s in the legs coupled with good recovery post camp, when you get back home you will be flying. Post camp cyclists generally note changes in FTP, EF and TTE. So, timing a camp to fit in with an “A” goal is going to benefit you no end.


Once on a camp you get to see a little differently the needs of hydration and nutrition on the bike and off also. With the support of a vehicle with you, there is an endless stream of nutrition and drinks. Also, post ride a chance to eat well and focus for the following day. You will learn very quickly the need for food/drink/sleep and the benefits of this you will take home with you for your general riding.


Training Camps…great fun…beneficial…AND a chance to ride some epic climbs and roads!
