ERG mode that “easy way” to get your workouts done……We all know the benefits but what about the downsides to using this….

ERG mode will hold the pace for you during the actual interval AND will keep you in check during the recovery during efforts also. When we ride outside and the interval is done there is a tendency to back right off and go into “relax mode” but with ERG it still keeps you accountable.

You can of course deliver a consistent power over a given effort and ERG will keep you answerable during the effort no easing off the power for you, there is not a lot of option for that….In short ERG allows you to complete workouts EXACTLY as intended maximizing your training time, hitting your TSS targets and 100% perfect return on training time…..


If you are trying to improve your FTP or do sprint workouts then ERG is going to “cap you out” as of course it is working on your FTP values and this is a fixed value…If you want to go above this then its tricky…sure and before people challenge me on this, yes but you can drop this mid session and switch to no ERG….BUT why do you want to add all that into a concentrated session you are doing ??

Most people also don’t realize that FTP is a “floating value” which is an ever moving target…..if your FTP is at 250w that’s not to say that its 250w for the whole year…train more it goes up…train less it goes down. Somedays as I like to say you feel like the hammer…another the nail ERG wont counter for that…it doesn’t know what your internal suffering on any given day is measuring….

Its also not listening to your body, yes a little of my comment above but if you want to dial it back and take more recovery to do the next interval…that is not going to happen. Of course this works the opposite too you can easily breezze through workouts if you have consistent sessions under your belt and good recovery your smart trainer has no idea that you are currently on the money and can happily push out an extra 15 or more watts on an interval.

By far the biggest issue I find as a Coach where athletes are using ERG is that when they switch to outside they have NO IDEA how to ride at Z3 for 40 mins say on a climb…and isn’t that the whole idea of working with power that we can monitor the value and ride to it when it matters.

Like most things technology can make our life easier but don’t be a slave to ERG as in the long term its going to have the opposite effect of helping you and will hinder your development in the long term…..
